Protecting Your Family From COVID-19
(part two)
We are continuing our series on tips to help protect your family from COVID-19. Our previous article discussed monitoring local health department recommendations, wearing a mask, and showering and washing clothes after being out in public. These tips are especially important as individual with quadriplegias and individuals with chronic diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are especially vulnerable. If you or a loved one have any health issues or underlying conditions it’s important to read our series of articles and follow Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations on how to best keep you and your family safe.
Focus on Staying Healthy
It is extremely important for you to focus on your own health. Make sure you are eating healthy, getting some exercise and taking care of yourself. Go outside to get some fresh air or take a walk. Participate in a virtual exercise or yoga class. Maybe even explore options for safe and engaging activities to help decrease stress.
Alert Your Physician if Your or Your Loved Ones Show Any Signs of Being Ill
If you or your loved ones show any signs of being ill, contact your physician right away. COVID-19 is especially dangerous for individual with quadriplegias and those with chronic diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multiple sclerosis.
Have a Backup Plan if You Become Ill
If you become ill, you will need to focus solely on yourself to get better. Avoid having to worry about your loved ones care by having a backup plan should you become ill. You can do this by briefing neighbors, friends or other family members about your loved ones care. Who comes in to provide personal care services? How often? What medication do they need? Make sure this is written down and accessible should something happen to you.
Accessibility Services Inc. (ASI) is a leading provider of assistive technology for individual with quadriplegias and individuals with chronic diseases such as ALS and multiple sclerosis. Our signature autonoME is a combined custom environmental control unit / speech generating device that incorporates voice assistive technology. If you would like to learn more about our tools for individual with quadriplegias and individuals with chronic diseases we would love to talk to you! Give us a call to learn more today.