The ASI Difference
ASI’s philosophy is simple:
“Start with the customer and work backwards”
Fred Thompson, Founder
Our customers are of a population of the most severely disabled. This population is often an afterthought in the minds of product creators and thus need special tools which allow independence and use of common products such as a television or telephone. We find out what our customer’s needs are and then design and provide customized solutions to fit their needs.
We also provide personalized service and support. No call centers or customer service representatives. We do it all and personally answer your call!
ASI is the provider of the autonoME, a combined augmentative and alternative communication aid and environmental control unit (ECU) designed specifically for individuals with severe disabilities, progressive diseases and spinal cord injuries. ASI’s proprietary autonoME has become one of the most popular hospital and residential products on the market. The autonoME seamlessly integrates full environmental control, augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and computer access (Windows 10) into one single package. Founded in 1991 with a primary vision to help veterans, ASI has since expanded its mission to address the needs of all severely disabled individuals with a special focus on the unique and exceptional needs of the individual with quadriplegia community. Founder Fred Thompson’s philosophy, “we start with the customer and work backwards” has inspired ASI’s research and development engineers to stay one step ahead of technology, ensuring the company continues to deliver the most advanced and progressive solutions on the market.
ASI has helped thousands of people realize and regain their independence. Additionally, our staff undergoes ongoing training to refine their expertise in evaluating, installing and servicing all of the products we represent.
We also work alongside therapists, case managers and caregivers during the evaluation process, offering our experiences and expertise to ensure each client is equipped with the appropriate devices. We take this a step further in commercial facilities, working with bio-engineers, doctors, nursing, therapists and facility management to provide reliable solutions to their patient care needs.
We serve a variety of populations including:
- Hospitals
- Spinal Cord Injury Centers
- Rehab Facilities
- Trauma Centers
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech Language Pathologists
- Nursing Homes
- Long Term Living Facilities
- Individuals Affected by Various Diseases, including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Organizations for Disorders and Diseases such as ALS and MS
- Schools for Children with Disabilities