In-House Development Makes All the Difference
After decades of experience in the medical equipment and supply industry, our team at Accessibility Services saw gaps in care for individuals with progressive diseases and spinal cord injuries and disorders. We decided, as a company, to expand our focus and serve the community by finding solutions and developing software to support people with severe disabilities as they continue their journey, assisting them to achieve maximum independence through transitional technology. Our in-house engineering and software development team created the autonoME software (available for both hospital and residential settings), to give users, caregivers, and therapists peace-of-mind through the use of one device, seamlessly integrating AAC, ECU, television, and a computer. The goal of the autonoME software is to keep users engaged, independent, and confident as they control their environment, navigate accessible apps and web browsers, and communicate with family, friends, therapists, and caregivers.