ECU - Environmental Control Unit
Specialized devices allowing individuals with various types of mobility issues the ability to control different elements in their environment, including televisions, lights, fans, computers, automatic door openers, appliances, and more.
SGD – Speech Generating Device
A type of voice assistive technology that allows individuals with speech impairments the ability to communicate using an electronic form of speech.
AAC - Augmentative & Alternative Communication
A general method of communication for individuals affected by speech impairments. AAC is designed to supplement and/or replace speech or writing, allowing individuals to effectively communicate with others.
Transitional Care Technology
Any technology used within a healthcare environment (i.e., hospital, rehab facility, etc.) that can be easily adapted and shifted for use at home or another residential setting.
Sip & Puff Input Method
A type of assistive technology that allows individuals who do not have the use of their hands to control a device such as an ECU or wheelchair by sipping/inhaling and puffing/exhaling into a straw, tube or wand.
An assistive technology device designed to accommodate two different types of input methods: a microphone for voice input and a tube for sip & puff scanning and selection.
ADO - Automatic Door Opener
Allows individuals with spinal cord injuries, progressive diseases, and severe physical disabilities to open and close doors. Accommodates numerous access methods including ASI’s proprietary z-Wave, spec switch, proximity switch, push plate for multiple users, phone app, handheld remote, optional keypad and more.
z-Wave Technology
An advanced, proprietary technology that utilizes wireless, low-energy radio waves to allow users to control and monitor various types of devices, appliances, and other components in their home via a single interface or app.
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
A trained professional / clinician who diagnoses and treats various type of disorders that affect speech, language, swallowing, cognitive communication, or social communication.
OT - Occupational Therapist
A trained professional who specializes in helping individuals with various types of disabilities, injuries, and illnesses learn how to perform activities of daily living.