autonoME Features (part three)
As you know, the autonoME is an environmental control unit (ECU) and speech generating device (SGD) all in one single, convenient, integrated package. We’ve been highlighting different features of the autonoME, and today we are going to talk about how it performs as an SGD.
The autonoME includes all of the features of a traditional SGD, including customized speech generation and augmented speech. In fact, the autonoME has its own Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) menu. This menu includes access to a keyboard for typing words and sentences, which can be used as a traditional keyboard, or, operated with Eye Gaze, sip & puff and head tracking. There is also a message bank where you can input and store terms and sentences that may be spoken on a regular basis (i.e. I am hungry; thank you, etc.). The grid sets are designed specifically for non-verbal users, allowing the autonoME to speak for them and essentially become their voice.
During installation, ASI spends time working with patients, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, caregivers and designated hospital staff to demonstrate the autonoME’s AAC capabilities. Please reference our comparison chart to see how the autonoME compares with traditional ECUs and SGDs.
Hospitals, rehabilitation and nursing facilities – we have technicians who will travel to your site and demonstrate how the autonoME can increase patient satisfaction. Contact us today to set up a customized and complimentary consultation.