Let’s Talk: Voice Assistive Technology
(part two)
We are continuing our series on voice assistive technology. Our last article discussed voice banking and how individuals with ALS and other debilitating diseases can benefit from the autonoME as their disease progresses. The autonoME is more than just a custom environmental control unit. It also has full alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) capabilities, making it one of the most advanced and sought after ECU devices on the market today.
Message banking with your own voice is similar to voice banking in that it utilizes a person’s natural voice. An individual records words, sentences and phrases that they commonly use and/or are meaningful to them using their own unique expressions. They can even record stories and anything else they feel is important to preserve using their own voice, tone and expressions. These “legacy messages” are then saved so they can later be delivered in a way that is unique to the individual.
Once a person is no longer able to speak, the autonoME custom environmental control unit integrated with voice assistive technology and alternative and augmentative communication (AAC) would then be used to communicate these messages, sentences and stories. They would be projected in the person’s own voice utilizing their unique expressions.
Message banking by proxy is used when an individual is unable to make a clear recording of their voice due to pain, fatigue or onset of speech loss. The individual may choose another person, or proxy, to make the recordings for them.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive disease with no cure. But, thanks to ECU devices and ALS communication assistive technology, individuals with the disease can still maintain some independence and ability to communicate. If you would like to learn more about how the autonoME can help, give us a call today.
Article Source:
Message Banking, Voice Banking and Legacy Messages
John M. Costello
Boston Children’s Hospital