It Can Happen to Anyone…
Life is very precious – and often times much more fragile than we think. The dedicated staff at ASI works with individual with quadriplegias every day. And, each day, we meet people whose lives have been changed forever. The truth is, we are all just one accident or disease away from being one of the clients we serve. We come to work each and every day with the mindset of doing what we do to make a difference in the lives of the people we serve. One aspect we love about our jobs is the fact that we focus on personalized customer service. Many companies simply send their units to clients and provide technical support through an outsourced call center. At ASI, our technicians visit each home, hospital or facility where the unit is being installed. We not only perform the installation, but we train individuals, caregivers and therapists on how to use the unit and how optimize it to serve the clients specific needs. We are also available for ongoing technical support, so our clients never have to feel alone.
Why is customer service and support so important to us? For one, we truly care about the people we serve. We also enjoy meeting them and getting to know them. We often spend extra time just chatting and sharing experiences with our clients. You see, 99% of the individuals we serve were fully functional until they were dealt a hand which changed their lives – and the lives of those who love them – forever.
Below is a link to an inspiring story of a military veteran who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS). He is not letting the disease control or define him. In fact, he says it has freed him up to do other things, including ministering to patients in hospitals and nursing homes:
There are various stages and types of MS. In its most progressive form, individuals with the disease often find renewed hope and independence from environmental control units (ECUs) and augmentative alternative communication (AAC). If you or someone you know has a progressive form of MS and would like to learn more about how we can help, give us a call. We would love to talk with you.