autonoME Features (part one)
This is first of a multi-part series where we will go in-depth and discuss the features of the autonoME. As you know, the autonoME combines both environmental control and speech generation in one single package. This offers individuals full alternative augmentative communication (AAC) and the ability to control their environment with the same device.
There are three types of autonoME packages:
- autonoME Residential – designed for in-home use
- autonoME Hospital – used in hospital, rehab and long-term care settings
- autonoMEgo – an alternative option offering portability for use from patient to patient
Today, we will focus on some of the features that make the autonoME attractive to hospitals, rehabilitation and long term care facilities.
Custom Installation and Ongoing Customer Support
We work with physical therapists, occupational therapists, nurses and staff to develop customized autonoME packages for each facility. Not only do we install the units ourselves, but we spend time training staff on how to the package works to ensure they understand how to maximize all the the autonoME’s impressive features. We also provide ongoing support and personally handle all questions and inquiries. We do not farm our support out to a third party or call center.
Nurse Call
This integrated feature allows patients to activate the nurse call light, eliminating the need for a separate call button. This is especially helpful for individuals who are unable to press a button as they can activate the call light using features such as eye gaze and sip and puff.
Room Control
The environmental control features allow them to control their bed and lights. Bed timing can even be adjusted to increase or decrease the amount of time the bed moves in any direction. Patients in rooms equipped with an autonoME generally call on staff less often.
Television Control
Allows patients to fully control their television sets, eliminating the need to call for a staff member to adjust volume or change channels.
Controls basic telephone functions, allowing patients to answer and make calls on their own.
It is important to note that our residential units are also equipped with the above features, just customized for in-home use. For instance, the nurse call feature is actually a caregiver call. Room control may include operating ceiling fans and door openers. And, television control may include the ability to switch from satellite to local television stations.
Our next article will discuss some of the popular ways the autonoME is used for entertainment.